Determine your
idea's feasibility

Struggling to determine if your idea is feasible?

Discover early on whether your product works, if key features are achievable, and if it can become a real-world solution with our innovative Frankenstein Starter Package.

Meet Frank—our unconventional yet effective rapid problem-solving approach. While it may not win any beauty contests, Frank delivers invaluable insights into what works and what doesn’t through an agile R&D process. Leveraging our extensive experience and tapping into expert knowledge, we’ll validate your idea by piecing together existing techniques, components, and hardware. The Frankenstein test rig provides the reassurance needed to decide whether to pursue your idea or explore other avenues while also laying the groundwork for package layouts and concepts in subsequent phases.


So, what exactly does Frank offer?

  • Guidance on Getting Started: Gain clarity on where to begin your product development journey
  • Identification of Key Activities: Pinpoint essential steps to bring your product to market
  • Interactive Brainstorming Sessions: Explore opportunities, risks, and potential with our collaborative approach
  • Expert Insights Across the Board: Benefit from expert advice on product development, prototyping, materials, and manufacturing processes
  • Define Design, Functional, and Market Constraints: Understand the limitations and opportunities shaping your product
  • Tailored Solutions: Devise plausible solutions based on thorough research, evaluation, and consideration of pros and cons
  • Preview of Package Layouts: Get a sneak peek at preliminary internal hardware configurations
  • Validation of Critical Functionality: Ensure your idea performs as intended with test rigs
  • Visualisation of Your Idea: Witness your concept come to life and articulate its unique value proposition
  • Comprehensive Handover Document: Receive a detailed overview of critical risks and key opportunities
  • Product Review and Optimisation: Fine-tune manufacturing, user interaction, assembly, durability, and more
  • Clear Next Steps and Strategies: Receive actionable insights to guide your next moves in manufacturing and product development

With the Frankenstein Starter Package, uncertainty becomes a thing of the past. Whether you’re a seasoned entrepreneur or a budding innovator, let Frank lead the way to transforming your ideas into reality.

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