
We are ISO9001 accredited!

Not only did we achieve certification, but our team smashed it out of the park. Quote from our lead auditor “I wish I could use DA as an example of a company whose system is so thorough & well integrated that it fits seamlessly into everyday business activities & culture of excellence.”

The feedback received on the quality of our system & our commitment to quality has made us (even more) crazy proud of our team & the business we have built over 15 years. To be told it would generally take years of successive audits to achieve such a well-evolved system & an enthusiastic cultural commitment to continual improvement, actually rendered us speechless.. We are never speechless!

When we do something, we do it with purpose & to ensure our clients always have a better than imagined experience, so are thrilled we could achieve this result for both our existing & future clients.

What it means for our clients:

  • Consistent, reliable & fit for purpose solutions
  • Quality protocols that ensure products are well tested & of high quality
  • Adaptable to clients needs, wants & market conditions
  • Better than imagined customer satisfaction
  • Traceability from go to whoa